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“Brian is an amazing part of the program because he brings the same magic he creates for his clients and puts it in service to a new generation moving into the job market.”

“Brian Kroski single-handedly brought the digital portion of the Columbia Publishing Course into the 21st Century. Under his excellent guidance students, who have little to no experience in digital, build out several entire digital businesses in one week–one week! The results are phenomenal and those students have gained skills and knowledge that it would have taken them years to acquire otherwise. Brian is an amazing part of the program because he brings the same magic he creates for his clients and puts it in service to a new generation moving into the job market. We consider ourselves very lucky indeed.”

– Shaye Areheart, Director, The Columbia Publishing Course & The Columbia Publishing Course at Exeter College, Oxford

“Brian has a unique mix of business, content and technological knowledge.”

“Brian is a professional in every sense of the word. He has a unique mix of business, content, and technological knowledge. I’ve worked with Brian on many projects and I always come away impressed with his skills.”

– Alex Korab, Founder ETNT Health, Former Chief Content Officer, Metro.US

“Being a former technology person himself, Brian possesses the mindset required to be a successful technology executive in the online media space.”

“Brian was easily one of the best people I have ever worked for. Being a former technology person himself, Brian possesses the mindset required to be a successful technology executive in the online media space. His management style is a refreshing change from most since he empowers his employees to do what they are good at and only interjects when he needs to draw on his experience to move things in the right direction. People truly enjoy working for him and that allows him to get the most out of his staff. He effectively managed all aspects of our operations during his tenure including editorial, ad operations, marketing, technology and design and set up the structure needed for them all to work productively together.”

– Brad Campeau-Laurion, CEO Alley Interactive; Former CTO, Louise Blouin Media

“Brian is a smart, savvy online executive who knows how to manage a team with varied personalities and skill sets.”

“Brian is a smart, savvy online executive who knows how to manage a team with varied personalities and skill sets. He has an uncanny ability to maneuver seamlessly between groups to develop websites that meet editorial, production, and business imperatives. (No small feat.) Maybe most impressive to me is Brian’s skill for managing process. At The New York Observer, I regularly saw him distill unwieldy project discussions down to salient points, synthesize the challenges at hand, and create a strategic plan that moved all parties forward. I very much enjoyed working with Brian, and I would work with him again in a heartbeat.”

– John Vorwald, Digital Director, Robb Report; Former Managing Editor,

“Brian is both a strategic and effective business manager and innovative product developer.”

“Brian is both a strategic and effective business manager and innovative product developer. He has a real understanding of existing and emerging technology and how to apply it successfully. On all the projects we’ve collaborated on, I enjoyed his talent, perspective, expertise and genuine personality. I continue to connect with Brian for advice on a regular basis.”

– Paul Schrynemakers, CVP New York Life; Former Creative Director, Rodale Inc.

“Brian is a great technologist who really *gets* design and user experience.”

“Brian is a great technologist who really *gets* design and user experience. He’s very good at building user-centric web sites and knows how to communicate their value to his team of developers. Best of all? Brian’s a pleasure to work with — smart, driven, enthusiastic about new technologies, and able to rally the troops to get Big Things done.”

– Dagny Prieto, Former VP of Product and UX, Time Inc.